Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

UrbanactiveLawsuit.com surveyed the 7 best Denver Bankruptcy Attorneys and have listed them there for your review.

Hoff Denver Bankruptcy Attorneys

Bankruptcy Attorney Denver – Hoff Law Offices: Filing for bankruptcy is not an easy decision partly because of the stigma that sometimes accompanies it. But filing for bankruptcy can help protect your home, automobiles, and some other types of personal property. You can always consult a bankruptcy lawyer to advise you on whether bankruptcy is the right solution for you. Sometimes your lawyer may find that the best option for you is debt negotiation instead of filing for bankruptcy.

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Colorado Bankruptcy Law Group

Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding, established by the United States Constitution, and  governed primarily by federal law, that allows a person who cannot pay his or her bills a  fresh financial start by eliminating some or all of their debts. Personal bankruptcies are governed by either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. A Colorado bankruptcy attorney can help you determine which is your best option.

Bankruptcy immediately stops your creditors’ collection efforts, including harassing phone calls, at least until your debts are sorted out or discharged by the bankruptcy court. –ColoradoBankruptcyGuide.com

Law Office of David M. Serafin

Over the past 13 years, the Law Office of David M. Serafin has filed countless numbers of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy cases all over the State of Colorado, including the Denver metro area, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Summit County and Eagle County, and the entire Western Slope. I will conduct with you a detailed intake of your entire financial situation, including an analysis of household income/expenses, assets/liabilities and other financial affairs leading up to the filing date of the Bankruptcy, and I will make sure that your legal rights with respect to creditor collections are fully protected. I’ve traditionally conducted an in person free initial consultation to discuss Bankruptcy options but, due to COVID-19, I am happy to also interview with you by phone or videoconference. –DavidSerafinLaw.com

The Milwid Law Firm, P.C.

Mile High Bankruptcy

At Mile High Bankruptcy, we understand that the decision to file for bankruptcy is a very important one. If bankruptcy isn’t right for you, we’ll advise you accordingly and help you find other ways to resolve your debt pressures. If it makes sense for you to file for bankruptcy, we’ll show you how to use this legal and financial tool to get the most out of it.

We also understand that many people hesitate to file for bankruptcy out of embarrassment or guilt. Because a discharge of debts is a legally protected right, we can help you get past your reservations if we’re convinced that bankruptcy is in your best immediate and long-term interests. –MileHighBankruptcy.com

Cohen & Cohen P.C.

The Denver Bankruptcy Attorneys at Cohen & Cohen, P.C., have handled thousands of consumer cases, both chapter 7 and chapter 13.  We handle the gamut of cases from simple to complex, from consumer to business. We represent both debtors and creditors. Additionally, we are proficient in bankruptcy litigation, something which an average Denver bankruptcy attorney won’t or can’t do. Moreover, the managing partner is currently a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee for the District of Colorado (click here to learn more about what is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustee). –CohenLawDenver.com

Attorney Amy G

Filing for bankruptcy is not as simple as submitting a petition at the courthouse. The petition itself, as well as its supporting documentation, often span hundreds of pages and require complex calculations to prove that a person is eligible to file a certain type of case. Keeping track of these complex calculations is just one reason why getting in touch with a bankruptcy lawyer in Denver may be helpful.

Debtors in a bankruptcy case may have to submit several years of tax returns and months of paycheck stubs and bank statements—as well as complete a debt counseling course—just to avoid a dismissal. Once the debtor completes the initial petition, they would have to attend a meeting of creditors.

If the debtor filed a Chapter 13 case, they might need to revise their payment plan several times if their bills or financial circumstances change. If any of their creditors object to the bankruptcy, the debtor may also need to defend that case simultaneously. –AmyGLaw.com

Wink & Wink, P.C. – Debt Relief Law

Bankruptcy is a legal process to get out of certain kinds of debt that can cost you based on your ability to repay (i.e. assets or income). The majority of people who file bankruptcy keep everything they own and pay little to nothing to the creditors in the process. Determining whether you should file bankruptcy, and, if so, which chapter of bankruptcy is right for you, depends on a number of factors: household income, assets, and the type and amount of your debt.

While bankruptcy will show up on your credit history for 10 years, it clears your debt and enables you to start rebuilding your credit score very quickly. The negative impact of a bankruptcy doesn’t last the full 10 years. It is possible to achieve a 700+ credit score within 24 months and be eligible for a mortgage within two to three years of filing.

There is no shame in filing for bankruptcy! While some people want to avoid the stigma of bankruptcy, our debt settlement lawyers encourage everyone to focus on the most cost-effective debt relief option. In many cases, bankruptcy is by far the most cost-effective form of debt relief. In these situations, bankruptcy is also the most efficient means of rebuilding your credit. –WinkAndWink.com